
About Tammy Marcelain

Each day is gift.

Each person is gift. One’s uniqueness, strength, tenderness, fierceness, vulnerability, I love it all. I want to look at an image and get a glimpse of what is within.

To book or inquire about booking my photography you can call or text me at 325-513-6534.

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Some deets on me…what I love, what I don’t love, what makes me laugh...

I love….my partner in life, Rob,..we said our “I do’s” in 1995.

I love…Derek, Jack and Sophie. My 3 freakishly amazing kids. However, they are adults,..not kids anymore.

I love…my friends and family. So much joy when I am with my people. They bring out the best in me.

I love….Brené Brown, Henri Nouwen, Wonder Woman, Mary Magdalene, Inspector Gamache, Lady Gaga, George Straight, an Irish Brogue, talking in an English accent with my friend, Denise, twinkle lights, red wine, whiskey, Dolly Parton, people who do hard things, Loretta Lynn, Taylor Swift, Mark Powell (Texas Country), TEXAS, kind people, people who like kind people, lots of kisses, the way my husband touches my cheek, Rob’s jokes, making my kids laugh by saying a really loud and awkwardly placed cuss word,..damn it. U2, Elton John, my favorite song is Into The Mystic by Van Morrison, fierce men and women who use their voices to help others, all my LGBTQ people who hold such a special place in my heart…you be you, you are brave and strong. I love the Trinity, The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They love me so much,…I can just barely stand it.

What I don’t love,…hmmm. Well I don’t love when people are mean to other people. I don’t love when a child has to grow up too quickly. I don’t love when an animal is treated inhumanely, I don’t love when I burn my lip on hot coffee. I don’t love when someone does not see how great they really are.

What makes me laugh…the Gilmore Girls, Schitt’s Creek, my husband’s jokes, cute little puppies.